
I’m a 4-th year PhD student in Data Science at New York University advised by Yann LeCun and Kyunghyun Cho. I’m interested in self-driving, model-based reinforcement learning, self-supervised pre-training and unsupervised exploration in RL.

Before this I completed my undergrad at the University of Warsaw in Poland, and did internships at Google, Nvidia and Jane Street.


  1. Joint Embedding Predictive Architectures Focus on Slow Features
    Vlad Sobal, Jyothir S V, Siddhartha Jalagam, Nicolas Carion, Kyunghyun Cho, Yann LeCun
    (Self-Supervised Learning - Theory and Practice Workshop at NeruIPS 2022)

  2. Light-weight probing of unsupervised representations for Reinforcement Learning
    Wancong Zhang, Anthony GX-Chen, Vlad Sobal, Yann LeCun, Nicolas Carion

  3. Separating the World and Ego Models for Self-Driving
    Vlad Sobal, Alfredo Canziani, Nicolas Carion, Kyunghyun Cho, Yann LeCun
    (Generalizable Policy Learning in the Physical World Workshop at ICLR 2022)

  4. TiCo: Transformation Invariance and Covariance Contrast for Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning
    Jiachen Zhu, Rafael M. Moraes, Serkan Karakulak, Vlad Sobal, Alfredo Canziani, Yann LeCun